Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo
Libro vltimo delos infortunios y naufragios.
Responsibility Statement:
Transcribed from a scan of the original printed version and converted to xml encoding by the students from HISP 298 at Wheaton College, Fall 2004: Dania Diaz, Julian Garberson, Alice Kellogg, Michael Margolin, Phoebe Stinson, Janet Turkovich, Katherine Weston, and Shauna Wojdak Additional edits and encoding by Kate Weston and Erica Adametz during the Spring, Summer, and Fall 2005. Related maps prepared by Phoebe Stinson and Taavi Raidma.Source Description:
Published as part of the Historia General De Las Indias. Sevilla: En la empre[n]ta de Iuam Cromberger, 1535.
The physical text is housed at The John Carter Brown Library, Providence, RI.
Publication Statement:
Available for academic purposes; not for commercial distribution; all rights reserved.
Permission has been given to Domingo Ledezma to publish the text in electronic form by The John Carter Brown Library, Providence, RI.
Project Status:
This project is still in draft form.